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タケダ ミホ / MIHO TAKEDA

1988年 東京都小金井市在住。







< 経歴 >

2012年 ・グループ展 SPACEWOMb Gallery ( ニューヨーク )

2013年 ・グループ展「100人展」 Ouchigallery ( ニューヨーク )

2014年 ・個展 「 miho takeda solo exhibition 」TAMO da DADDY's HOUSE ( 東京・恵比寿 )
2015年 ・個展「1」 Ouchi Gallery ( ニューヨーク )

      ・個展 BERRY ( ニューヨーク・美容室 )

2016年 ・グループ展「うちわ展」CONTENART(東京・代々木)

2017年 ・グループ展「絵馬展2017」CONTENART(東京・代々木)
      ・グループ展「Graphic Art Exhibition」RECTO VERSO GALLERY(東京)



2018年 ・グループ展「やさしい時間」SPACE K 代官山(東京・代官山)

2019年​ ・グループ展「第一回文房堂アワード」(東京・神保町)


2020年 ・二人展「ちっちゃいのとおっきいの」SPACE33(東京・高円寺)

      ・グループ展「Def Tech Anniversary  Music Art Exhibition」MDP GALLERY(東京・中目黒)

​2022年 ・グループ展「OKINAWA BLUE展」MDP GALLERY(東京・中目黒)

Miho Takeda was born in 1988 in Tokyo.
As a child, she was captivated by manga and anime. She spent her childhood drawing whenever she had time.

After graduating high school,she became enchanted by the African wildlifeshe saw in TV shows and movies.

She was inspired to go to professional school to study the wildlife she had only ever seen on her screen.
Schoolwork in Kenya was a life-changing experience.
The never-ending landscape of strong, beautiful animals made Miho keen to return and learn more.
She pursued her passion by working at Kenyan national park on conservation issues as a Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer (JOCV) after graduation.
During the two years she spent in Africa as a volunteer, she started drawing to capture the splendor of the Kenyan wildlife.
This was the start of Miho’s art career.
Miho’s drawing became so popular that they were used all over Kenya.
This inspired her to study art on her own terms by traveling to 11 countries, including Europe and the United States.
By meeting people across the globe, she began to appreciate the beauty of human facial expressions.
She felt that natural, unreserved, everyday facial expressions were the most beautiful of all.
She realized that strength and beauty she admired in the Kenyan wildlife was also present in every human face.
After this moment Miho start focusing on drawing the human face and unearthing the stories she saw in these expressions.
Currently she is a freelance illustrator doing a wide range of artwork, including: illustrating books, designing logos, characters, CD jackets,
and creating welcome boards at weddings.

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